General Concept and Requirements for Asset Management Training Courses - Technical Report

During PIARC work cycle of 2011-2015, the comprehensive Asset Management Manual was developed and presented as a draft version at the 25th World Road Congress 2015 in Seoul, Korea. The first full on-line version of the manual was made available in 2017. Asset Management Manual is available on the PIARC website at the following link:
PIARC recognizes that technical progress and the dissemination and implementation of modern management techniques and skills are fundamental to increase efficiency and to gain maximum value from the road infrastructure asset. Only by adapting the technical solutions to the external and internal context of the respective organization, sustainable development and progress can be achieved.
Asset Management is not a "high level" discipline addressed exclusively to strategic management. On the contrary, Asset Management should be "lived" at every workplace in the organization, so that the managed asset, such as the road infrastructure, can be optimally operated, maintained and expanded. To achieve this, the organizational measures - ideally the implementation of an asset management system - must be undertaken and at the same time the Asset Management awareness of all employees of the organization should be permanently sharpened. It is therefore important that some of the basic principles of Asset Management are familiar to the widest possible range of employees, so that they can plan and execute their business in accordance with their rules.
The most important target group for Asset Management education are senior and project management level staff. However, Asset Management has also become more and more interesting to people who are not working in road authorities and who are not directly concerned with the management of road infrastructure.
During the cycle 2016-2019, the members of Working Group D.1.2 created a series of short courses on Asset Management. Each of these short courses are designed to be delivered in approximately 30 minutes with the exception of one which is designed to be delivered in three hours. Presentations were prepared for each of the five chapters of the Asset Management Manual.
Although short courses are the basis for dissemination of Asset Management approach, the importance of long courses cannot be underestimated. The long courses include individual modules of 30 to 45 hours each.
Information sheet
- Date: 2019
- Author(s): Comité technique / Technical Committee / Comité Técnico D.1 Gestion du patrimoine / Asset Management / Gestión del patrimonio vial
- Domain(s): Road Assets Management
- Type: Technical Report
- PIARC Ref.: 2019R38EN
- ISBN: 978-2-84060-583-6
- Number of pages: 64